Hello friends and family,
Sorry I have been so bad about posting recently. I have been tired and struggling with morning sickness (again) and did not want to type up all the whiney posts I was composing in my head. I have thrown up 4 times in the last 7 days (at work all times) and I am just so ready for fall to come. I hope if I can just power through September, I will be able to make it. I think my nausea is being aggravated by the heat (temperatures in the 80s and 90s every day) and my seasonal allergies, but I cannot take any medicine because I'm pregnant! The recent bouts of morning sickness have not been nearly as bad as they were back in the first trimester (I am able to eat a bit more than just toast and crackers, and I have been keeping my prenatal vitamins down), but I am just tired of feeling so crappy. I really need to start doing those prenatal yoga tapes because I can feel my stamina and muscle tone deteriorating every day. I won't have the energy to deliver this baby if I do not get my act together and just push through the negativity and self-pity I have been stuck in!
I am truly happy to be pregnant and every single time our baby kicks me I stop and smile. She is kicking all the time now, usually a couple of times per hour, but sometimes I think she is napping in there so I will go a while without feeling anything. Or perhaps she is awake but still too small and is kicking me in the back or in my tummy fat, lol. I love her so much already and I love Jonathan more everyday now that we are becoming parents. I am so so so very lucky to have Jonathan in my life. He is the best man I could ever hope for. I am trying to hard to recognize when I am "pregnancy crazy" so that I don't freak out about little things, but he is just so patient no matter what I say or do. He takes care of me emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially (although I try to take care of myself in all those areas too). He does more than 60% of the housework: cooking, doing dishes, cleaning, and taking care of the garbage. I totally owe him a dishwasher when we get back to America. And a maid. We enjoy cooking so I think we can skip the chef. I am sure that once the baby comes, I will have a new person in this world that I love completely and unconditionally to a degree that I never thought possible, but I already love and appreciate her more than I could ever imagine because she has shown me that I made the right choice when I married Jonathan. If the first 2 years of marriage and 4 years of dating before were this good, then I cannot wait to see how great the rest of our lives will be.
Everything in my life is changing in a big, irreversible way, but I couldn't be happier. Heartburn, vomiting, nausea, bladder infections, backaches, homesickness (is there such as thing as "momsickness" where you miss your mom?), fatigue, and a lack of interest in doing anything outside of our apartment aside, I would not have chosen any differently if I could go back in time.
I love you all and thanks for bearing with me. I am making a 25th week of pregnancy resolution to be more positive in my thoughts and words so that I can have the power and energy to overcome the little bumps in the road. Life is only going to get harder and busier from here on out and I want to enjoy the magic and little miracles around me every day.
Laura, Jonathan, and baby
Here are some recent photos. Link to babymoon photos
pics wouldn't work. :( love you guys, can't wait to meet the nugget! :)