Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone!

We have been having a busy month, but we haven't forgotten about the blog!   I have not had many interesting things to post recently, but I will try to update you now...

Jonathan started teaching a new student this month.  For his new job, he has to wear a suit, so we went shopping on the 16th to get him ready for work.  He looks quite sharp, in my opinion. Don't you think so too?

Sorry the photo is a little blurry. He would not hold still to get his picture taken because he did not want to be late for his first day, lol.  Please ignore the pile of dirty laundry behind him.  He interrupted my laundry routine and made me drive him to the station, haha!

The baby is growing well.  As of 10/24 she weighed approximately 1,600 grams which is 3 pounds, 9 ounces.  She has been kicking and punching quite a bit and she has the occasional bout of hiccups.  We are so excited to meet her!  There are less than 10 weeks until our estimated date of delivery, so it feels like it is crunch time.  Here is an illustration of her size and development we saw in a Japanese maternity magazine:


Today we had some friends over for a halloween dinner.  It was a lot of fun.  Last night, Jonathan and I watched a scary movie and made my costume.  I think it turned out quite well.  

I was a skeleton complete with creepy baby skeleton, haha.  We had fun making the stencil and painting the bones onto a cheap dark-colored long-sleeve shirt.  What do you think?

Jonathan was a protester.

Nice sign.

Well that is all I can think of updating for now.  I am down to prenatal appointments every other week so we will be back at the doctor on November 7th.  We'll let you know if anything awesome happens!

Laura, Jonathan, and baby

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Hello all,

It has been an emotional week for my family, but all I feel like saying about it is that I love you all so much and I feel so lucky to have been born into such a wonderful supportive group of people. I appreciate all of my immediate and extended family for being there for each other during difficult times. When I come back I will do my best to show you in person how much I love and appreciate you!

We have been busy recently and the baby has been growing by leaps and bounds. I uploaded some photos of our weekend in Nagoya to the photobucket account.  If you want to see them, just click on the link that says, "Photobucket" to the right under "Useful Links".  I will post one teaser photo here now.

Laura, Jonathan, and baby